Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Top 10 People I enjoy watching play

You could call it a top HU SNG Pokerstars list if you want, but I couldn't resist after seeing HUsng.com make one of these.

1. Adonis112
2. treezer
3. Iftarii
4. whaassuuppp
4. iCeVeNoM
5. la_gachette
6. BCM11
7. trader0811
8. Hokiegreg HU
9. PlauZee
10. ricestud / fishenzon / JMProdigy / pistons87 / primordialAA

Maybe if I find some time tomorrow I'll edit this and write in why exactly each of these individuals is on my list. My reasoning behind the list is based on both observations and results, as well as entertainment value in some cases. As you can see I couldn't make up my mind on 10th so I just listed the five I feel deserve to be on the list...it's a tie! Anyways, good luck everyone.

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